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Stoffprodukte: Kostenloser Versand ab 50 EUR · Hergestellt in Mittelfranken · Zertifizierte Bio-Baumwolle

Moon goddess

19,90 22,90  inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand (frei ab 50 EUR, außer Bücher)


Special with embroidered moon goddess

A great gift for you or someone special.


These are the special ALMOs with embroidered moon goddess with wings.

100% organic cotton with leakage protection (PU) and with wings.


The moon goddess stands for femininity. She stands for a female creative flow of the creative and intuitive energy that lies in every woman and wants to be valued. It is also considered to be in connection with the lunar cycle. Live and love your femininity.

The moon goddesses pads are only available in limited quantity. Here you can choose one available directly. The thread color is always different.

All cloth pads with the moon goddess are washable at 95 degrees.

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