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All-round feel-good-set

359,00  inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand (frei ab 50 EUR, auĂźer BĂĽcher)


The "all-round-feel-good-set" of 𝑨𝑳𝑴𝑶.

A set with everything you can need as a (future) mom.🤰

This set includes:
♡ cloth pads in different sizes ( 2 L++, 2 L+, 4 M+, 2 M, 4 S), colours: coloured mix. If you want specific colours, just write the wished ones in the note of your order.
♡ 2 period panties. Look here which ones are available at the moment and write in the note of your order your favourite ones. https://staging.natuerlich-almo.de/produkt/periodenslip
♡ 1 bottom shower size XL, colours: turquoise or pink
♡ 5 pairs of nursing pads
♡ Back massage booklet for breastfeeding mothers

If you don't want nursing pads and the back massage booklet, you can get period briefs instead.

Cloth pads, nursing pads and period panties are made of 100% organic cotton with PU leak protection, breathable, waterproof, washable at 95 degrees and suitable for tumble drying. Made in Germany. Without biocides and silver ions.

The "all-round-feel-good-set" of 𝑨𝑳𝑴𝑶.

Special tip from Ms. ALMO: buy the set already when you are pregnant. You can wear the smaller pads as a daily panty liners. And after the puerperium, you can use the sanitary napkins for your menstrual period.

AND: Cloth sanitary towels only absorb optimally after a few washes. Especially for the puerperium, if there is more blood at the beginning, it is good if you have washed the cloth pads a few times beforehand.

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